Phonetics and Phonology: Assignment 1

Phonetics and Phonology: Assignment 1

by Kalsoom Jahan 

Title: Phonetic Transcription and Pronunciation Practice

Objective: To practice using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to transcribe English words and to improve pronunciation skills through the targeted practice of specific sounds.


  1. Choose 10 English words with consonant or vowel sounds that you find challenging to pronounce correctly. For example, you might choose words with aspirated or unaspirated consonant sounds or words with diphthongs or triphthongs.

  2. Use the IPA to transcribe each of the 10 words, using the appropriate symbols to represent each sound. Be sure to consult a reliable source to ensure you use the correct symbols for each sound.

  3. Record yourself pronouncing each of the 10 words, focusing on the sounds you find challenging. Listen to your recordings carefully and compare them to the correct pronunciation using online resources or a reliable reference book.

  4. Identify any errors or areas where you could improve your pronunciation, and create a plan to practice these sounds. For example, practice pronouncing minimal pairs demonstrating the difference between voiced and voiceless consonant sounds.

  5. Practice your pronunciation regularly, using targeted exercises and resources to improve your skills. You can work with a language partner or tutor to get feedback on your pronunciation and to practice speaking in a supportive environment.

  6. After a few weeks of practice, record yourself again, and compare your new recordings to your original ones. Evaluate your progress and identify areas where you can continue to improve.

Assessment: Your assignment will be assessed based on the accuracy of your IPA transcriptions, the quality of your recordings, and your demonstrated improvement in pronunciation skills over time. Be sure to take your time and practice regularly to achieve the best results!

Assignment 1: Sample Solution

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