Phonetics and Phonology: Transcription Practice

Transcription Practice 

Days of the Week

Monday: ˈmʌndi Tuesday: ˈtjuːzdeɪ Wednesday: ˈwenzdeɪ Thursday: ˈθɜːzdeɪ Friday: ˈfraɪdeɪ Saturday: ˈsætədeɪ Sunday: ˈsʌndeɪ

Months of the Year

January: ˈdʒænjuəri February: ˈfebruəri March: mɑːtʃ April: ˈeɪprəl May: meɪ June: dʒuːn July: dʒʊˈlaɪ August: ˈɔːɡəst September: sepˈtembər October: ɒkˈtoʊbər November: noʊˈvembər December: dɪˈsembər


1: wʌn 2: tuː 3: θriː 4: fɔːr 5: faɪv 6: sɪks 7: sevən 8: eɪt 9: naɪn 10: ten 11: ilevən 12: twelf 13: θɜːtiːn 14: fɔːtiːn 15: fɪfˈtiːn 16: sɪkˈstiːn 17: sevənˈtiːn 18: eɪtiːn 19: naɪnˈtiːn 20: ˈtwenti 21: ˈtwenti wʌn 22: ˈtwenti tuː 23: ˈtwenti θriː 24: ˈtwenti fɔːr 25: ˈtwenti faɪv 26: ˈtwenti sɪks 27: ˈtwenti sevən 28: ˈtwenti eɪt 29: ˈtwenti naɪn 30: ˈθɜːti 40: ˈfɔːti 50: ˈfɪfti 60: ˈsɪksti 70: ˈsevənti 80: ˈeɪti 90: ˈnaɪnti 100: ˈhʌndrəd

Test your Transcription Skills

Directions: Use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to transcribe the following words related to animals and colors.

  1. Elephant: ____________________
  2. Giraffe: ____________________
  3. Kangaroo: ____________________
  4. Octopus: ____________________
  5. Butterfly: ____________________
  6. Red: ____________________
  7. Blue: ____________________
  8. Green: ____________________
  9. Yellow: ____________________
  10. Orange: ____________________


  1. Elephant: ˈɛləfənt
  2. Giraffe: dʒəˈræf
  3. Kangaroo: kæŋɡəˈruː
  4. Octopus: ˈɒktəpəs
  5. Butterfly: ˈbʌtəflaɪ
  6. Red: rɛd
  7. Blue: bluː
  8. Green: ɡriːn
  9. Yellow: ˈjɛləʊ
  10. Orange: ˈɔːrɪndʒ

Some multiple choice questions to test your phonetic transcription skills.

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "cat"? a) kæt b) kɑt c) kət d) kʌt

Answer: a) kæt

  1. Which IPA symbol represents the "p" sound in "pig"? a) /b/ b) /p/ c) /t/ d) /d/

Answer: b) /p/

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "tree"? a) triː b) treɪ c) trəi d) traɪ

Answer: a) triː

  1. Which IPA symbol represents the "v" sound in "vine"? a) /θ/ b) /ð/ c) /w/ d) /v/

Answer: d) /v/

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "chocolate"? a) ˈtʃɒklət b) ˈtʃɔːklət c) ˈtʃækələt d) ˈtʃɛkələt

Answer: a) ˈtʃɒklət

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "bicycle"? a) ˈbaɪsɪkəl b) ˈbaɪsəkl c) ˈbɪsɪkəl d) ˈbɪsəkl

Answer: a) ˈbaɪsɪkəl

  1. Which IPA symbol represents the "tʃ" sound in "church"? a) /tʃ/ b) /dʒ/ c) /ʃ/ d) /t/

Answer: a) /tʃ/

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "lemon"? a) ˈlemən b) ˈlimən c) ˈlɛmən d) ˈlʌmən

Answer: a) ˈlemən

  1. Which IPA symbol represents the "s" sound in "sun"? a) /z/ b) /s/ c) /ʃ/ d) /tʃ/

Answer: b) /s/

  1. What is the IPA transcription for the word "kangaroo"? a) kæŋɡəˈruː b) kænɡəˈruː c) kæŋɡərəʊ d) kænɡərəʊ

Answer: a) kæŋɡəˈruː

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