Worksheet for Short Story Writing

Title: Short Story Writing Worksheet

1. Story Idea:

   - Write a brief description of your story idea or premise:

2. Setting:

   - Describe the main setting(s) of your story:

   - What time period does the story take place in?

   - Is the setting fictional or based on a real location?

   - How does the setting contribute to the atmosphere or plot of the story?

3. Characters:

   - List the main characters in your story and provide a brief description of each:


   a) Protagonist:

      - Name:

      - Age:

      - Personality traits:

      - Goals and motivations:


   b) Antagonist (if applicable):

      - Name:

      - Age:

      - Personality traits:

      - Goals and motivations:


   c) Supporting Characters:

      - Name:

      - Age:

      - Role in the story:

      - Personality traits:

4. Plot and Conflict:

   - Describe the central conflict of your story:

   - What obstacles or challenges will the protagonist face?

   - Outline the major plot points or events that will occur in your story:

   1. Inciting Incident:


   2. Rising Action:


   3. Climax:


   4. Falling Action:


   5. Resolution:


5. Theme:

   - Identify the main theme or message you want to convey in your story:

   - How does the theme relate to the conflict and characters in your story?

6. Writing Style:

   - What narrative point of view will you use (first person, third person, etc.)?

   - What tone or mood do you want to establish in your story?

   - How will you engage the reader and create a compelling narrative?

7. Drafting and Revisions:

   - Set a goal for yourself: How many words or pages do you want your short story to be?

   - Plan your writing schedule and allocate time for drafting, revising, and editing.

   - Consider seeking feedback from others and revising your story based on their suggestions.

8. Conclusion:

   - Reflect on the importance of revising and editing in the writing process.

   - Summarize what you hope to achieve with your short story.

Remember, this worksheet is a tool to assist you in organizing your thoughts and developing your short story. Feel free to modify or expand upon it based on your specific needs and creative process.

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