Resume and CVs


When it comes to writing resumes, there are various styles and formats you can choose from based on your preferences and the specific requirements of the industry or position you're applying to. Here are some detailed notes on different resume styles and formats to help you create an effective and professional resume:

1. Chronological Resume:

   - This is the most common resume format, especially for candidates with a stable work history.

   - It presents your work experience in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent position.

   - Ideal for showcasing career progression and demonstrating stability.

   - Includes sections such as contact information, professional summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills.

2. Functional Resume:

   - Focuses on your skills and achievements rather than your work history.

   - Suitable for those with employment gaps, career changers, or individuals with limited work experience.

   - Highlights relevant skills and accomplishments under specific skill categories.

   - Includes sections such as contact information, professional summary or objective, skills summary, work experience (limited details), and education.

3. Combination Resume:

   - Blends elements of both chronological and functional resumes.

   - Provides a summary of skills and accomplishments at the beginning, followed by a reverse-chronological work history section.

   - Ideal for highlighting specific skills and achievements while still showcasing a solid work history.

   - Includes sections such as contact information, professional summary or objective, skills summary, work experience (with detailed bullet points), and education.

4. Targeted Resume:

   - Tailored specifically for a particular job or industry.

   - Focuses on showcasing relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the requirements of the target position.

   - Requires customizing the resume for each application.

   - Includes sections such as contact information, professional summary or objective (specifically tailored), targeted skills, targeted work experience (with relevant details), and education.

5. Infographic or Visual Resume:

   - Utilizes visual elements, such as charts, graphs, icons, and colors, to present information.

   - Suitable for creative fields or when you want to showcase your design skills.

   - Must strike a balance between visual appeal and readability.

   - Includes sections relevant to the chosen resume format (e.g., chronological, functional, or combination), but with visual enhancements.

General Tips:

- Choose a clean and professional font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) with a font size between 10 and 12.

- Use bullet points to make your resume more scannable and concise.

- Keep the overall layout clean and well-organized, using clear headings and subheadings.

- Maintain consistency in formatting, spacing, and indentation throughout the document.

- Use quantifiable achievements and results to showcase your impact and abilities.

- Proofread your resume multiple times to ensure it is error-free and grammatically correct.

Remember, the style and format you choose should align with your unique background, the job you're applying for, and your personal preferences. Adapt your resume to highlight your strengths and make it easy for recruiters to identify your qualifications.


Provide the relevant in the given section. 

Personal Information:

- Full Name:

- Contact Number:

- Email Address:

- Address:

- LinkedIn Profile URL (optional):

Career Objective:

- Write a concise statement summarizing your career goals and the position you are seeking.


- Degree/Diploma:

- Major/Field of Study:

- Name of Institution:

- Location:

- Year of Graduation:

Work Experience:

1. Company Name:

   - Job Title:

   - Employment Dates:

   - Job Responsibilities/Achievements:

2. Company Name:

   - Job Title:

   - Employment Dates:

   - Job Responsibilities/Achievements:


- List relevant skills, both technical and soft skills, that are applicable to the position you are targeting.

Certifications (if applicable):

- Certification Name:

- Issuing Organization:

- Year Obtained:

Projects (if applicable):

- Project Title:

- Description:

- Your Role:

- Key Achievements:

Volunteer Experience (if applicable):

1. Organization Name:

   - Volunteer Role:

   - Dates:

   - Description of Activities:

2. Organization Name:

   - Volunteer Role:

   - Dates:

   - Description of Activities:

Additional Sections (optional):

- You can add sections like Awards and Honors, Publications, Languages, Professional Memberships, or any other relevant information.


- You can either list references or mention that they will be provided upon request.

Remember to adapt the sections and information according to your specific background and career goals. This worksheet will help you gather all the necessary details to create a comprehensive and professional resume. Good luck!

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