The 7Cs of Communication


The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that can help individuals communicate effectively. They are:

1. Clear: The message should be clear and easily understandable to the receiver.

2. Concise: The message should be brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.

3. Complete: The message should include all the necessary information that the receiver needs.

4. Concrete: The message should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language.

5. Correct: The message should be accurate, grammatically correct and free from errors.

6. Coherent: The message should be logically connected and easy to follow.

7. Courteous: The message should be respectful, polite and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective.

1. Clear

When we say that a message should be clear, we mean that it should be easily understood by the receiver. In other words, it should be free from ambiguity, confusion, or any form of complexity that could prevent the receiver from understanding its meaning.

Here are some ways to ensure clarity in communication:

1. Use simple and familiar words: The choice of words can make a big difference in how well the message is understood. Using complex or technical terms may confuse the receiver, especially if they are not familiar with them. Therefore, it is important to use simple and familiar words that are easily understandable to the receiver.

Example: Instead of saying, "The software utilizes a neural network algorithm for processing data," you could say, "The program uses a special method to process information."

2. Avoid jargon or technical terms: Jargon or technical terms are words or expressions that are specific to a particular field or industry. While they may be easily understood by people in that field, they may be unfamiliar or confusing to those outside it. Therefore, it is important to avoid jargon or technical terms when communicating with people who are not familiar with them.

Example: Instead of saying, "The ROI of our SEM campaign was impressive," you could say, "Our advertising on search engines was very successful."

3. Be specific and focused: A clear message should be specific and focused on the main point. It should not be too general or vague, as this could lead to confusion or misunderstanding.

Example: Instead of saying, "We need to improve sales," you could say, "We need to increase our sales by 10% in the next quarter."

4. Use examples or analogies: Providing examples or analogies can help clarify a message and make it more understandable to the receiver.

Example: Instead of saying, "We need to optimize our website's user experience," you could say, "We need to make our website easy to navigate, like a well-organized store where customers can easily find what they're looking for."

In summary, a clear message is one that is easily understandable, free from ambiguity or complexity, and focused on the main point. By using simple and familiar words, avoiding jargon or technical terms, being specific and focused, and using examples or analogies, you can ensure that your message is clear and easily understood by the receiver.

2. Concise

When we say that a message should be concise, we mean that it should be brief and to the point, without including unnecessary details that could make the message lengthy and confusing. Here are some ways to ensure conciseness in communication:

1. Focus on the main point: A concise message should focus on the main point and avoid unnecessary details or information. This means that the message should be clear and straightforward, and the main idea should be conveyed in a direct manner.

Example: Instead of saying, "I'm sorry I'm late, but the traffic was terrible, and I had to take a detour because there was an accident on the highway," you could say, "Sorry for being late due to traffic."

2. Use short and simple sentences: A concise message should be easy to understand and follow. Using short and simple sentences can help make the message more concise and straightforward.

Example: Instead of saying, "In spite of the fact that we have had some difficulties in meeting the project deadline due to unforeseen circumstances, I think we should be able to complete it by next week," you could say, "We'll finish the project by next week despite some delays."

3. Avoid unnecessary repetition: Repetition of words or phrases can make a message sound repetitive and redundant, which can cause confusion and distract the receiver from the main point. Therefore, it is important to avoid unnecessary repetition in a concise message.

Example: Instead of saying, "I'm sorry for being late, but I was late because of the traffic," you could say, "Sorry for being late due to traffic."

4. Remove unnecessary information: A concise message should only include relevant information that is necessary to convey the main idea. Unnecessary information can make the message long and confusing, so it is important to remove it.

Example: Instead of saying, "The meeting was scheduled for 2 PM, but I had to postpone it to 3 PM because I had a doctor's appointment at 1 PM, and it took longer than expected," you could say, "The meeting is at 3 PM due to a doctor's appointment."

In summary, a concise message is brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details that can make the message lengthy and confusing. By focusing on the main point, using short and simple sentences, avoiding unnecessary repetition, and removing unnecessary information, you can ensure that your message is concise and easily understood by the receiver.

3. Complete

When we say that a message should be complete, we mean that it should include all the necessary information that the receiver needs to understand the message fully. A complete message should provide enough context and details to help the receiver make informed decisions or take appropriate actions based on the message. Here are some ways to ensure completeness in communication:

1. Provide relevant details: A complete message should provide all the relevant details that the receiver needs to know. This includes information about the subject matter, the purpose of the message, and any other relevant details that are necessary for the receiver to understand the message fully.

Example: If you're sending an email to a colleague about a project, you should include all the relevant details, such as the project timeline, the scope of work, the budget, and any other details that are necessary for the receiver to understand the message fully.

2. Use clear language: A complete message should use clear and simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terms that could confuse the receiver.

Example: Instead of using technical terms like "SEO" or "PPC" in a message, you could use more straightforward terms like "search engine optimization" or "pay-per-click advertising."

3. Provide additional resources: A complete message should provide additional resources, such as links or attachments, that the receiver can use to get more information about the subject matter if needed.

Example: If you're sending a message about a new product launch, you could include a link to the product website or an attachment with product specifications, images, and pricing details.

4. Ask for clarification: A complete message should encourage the receiver to ask for clarification if they have any questions or need more information. This helps ensure that the receiver fully understands the message.

Example: In a message, you could say, "Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information about this topic."

In summary, a complete message should provide all the necessary information that the receiver needs to understand the message fully. By providing relevant details, using clear language, providing additional resources, and encouraging the receiver to ask for clarification if needed, you can ensure that your message is complete and easily understood by the receiver.

4. Concrete

When we say that a message should be concrete, we mean that it should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language that could be confusing or open to interpretation. A concrete message should provide clear and specific details that are based on facts and evidence, making it more reliable and trustworthy. Here are some ways to ensure concreteness in communication:

1. Use specific details: A concrete message should use specific details that provide clear and concise information about the subject matter. Specific details help to create a clear picture in the receiver's mind, making it easier for them to understand the message.

Example: Instead of saying, "We need to improve our sales," you could say, "We need to increase our sales by 10% in the next quarter."

2. Use facts and evidence: A concrete message should be based on facts and evidence rather than personal opinions or assumptions. This makes the message more reliable and trustworthy, as it is supported by verifiable information.

Example: Instead of saying, "Our product is the best on the market," you could say, "Our product has been rated the best by several independent review websites."

3. Avoid vague or abstract language: A concrete message should avoid vague or abstract language that could be open to interpretation or misunderstanding. This means that the message should be clear and straightforward, avoiding unnecessary complexity or ambiguity.

Example: Instead of saying, "We need to increase brand awareness," you could say, "We need to increase our social media followers and website traffic to improve brand awareness."

4. Provide specific examples: A concrete message should provide specific examples that illustrate the point being made. Specific examples help to make the message more relatable and easier to understand.

Example: Instead of saying, "We need to improve customer satisfaction," you could say, "We received several complaints about the customer service department last month, and we need to address these issues to improve customer satisfaction."

In summary, a concrete message should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language that could be confusing or open to interpretation. By using specific details, facts and evidence, avoiding vague or abstract language, and providing specific examples, you can ensure that your message is concrete and easily understood by the receiver.

5. Correct

When we say that a message should be correct, we mean that it should be accurate, grammatically correct, and free from errors. A correct message should be reliable and trustworthy, and it should convey the intended meaning without any confusion or misunderstanding. Here are some ways to ensure correctness in communication:

1. Use accurate information: A correct message should use accurate information that is supported by facts and evidence. This means that the information should be verifiable and reliable, and it should be presented in a way that is consistent with the truth.

Example: Instead of saying, "Our product is 100% effective," you could say, "Our product has been shown to be effective in 9 out of 10 cases, according to clinical trials."

2. Use correct grammar and spelling: A correct message should use correct grammar and spelling, as errors in grammar or spelling can undermine the credibility of the message. This means that the message should be proofread and edited before it is sent to the receiver.

Example: Instead of saying, "I has a meeting at 2 PM," you could say, "I have a meeting at 2 PM."

3. Use appropriate tone and style: A correct message should use an appropriate tone and style that is consistent with the message's purpose and audience. This means that the message should be written in a way that is respectful, professional, and appropriate for the context.

Example: Instead of using slang or informal language in a professional email, you could use more formal language and tone that is appropriate for the context.

4. Check for accuracy and completeness: A correct message should be checked for accuracy and completeness, to ensure that all the necessary information is included and that there are no errors or omissions.

Example: Before sending an email, you could review the message to make sure that all the relevant information is included, and that there are no errors or omissions.

In summary, a correct message should be accurate, grammatically correct, and free from errors. By using accurate information, correct grammar and spelling, appropriate tone and style, and checking for accuracy and completeness, you can ensure that your message is correct and trustworthy.

6. Coherent

When we say that a message should be coherent, we mean that it should be logically connected and easy to follow. A coherent message should be structured in a way that makes sense to the receiver and is easy to understand. The message should be well-organized and structured so that the receiver can follow the logic and reasoning behind it. Here are some ways to ensure coherence in communication:

1. Organize the message: A coherent message should be organized in a way that makes sense to the receiver. This means that the message should have a clear and logical structure, with each point building on the previous one.

Example: Instead of presenting random ideas, you could structure your message in a way that flows logically, such as "Problem, Cause, Solution, and Action Plan."

2. Use transition words: A coherent message should use transition words or phrases that help to connect different ideas and make the message flow smoothly. Transition words help to signal the relationship between different parts of the message.

Example: Using words like "therefore," "in addition," "however," and "consequently" can help to signal the relationship between different parts of the message.

3. Use headings and subheadings: A coherent message can be made more easy to follow by using headings and subheadings that break down the message into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps the receiver to understand the message better and also makes it more visually appealing.

Example: In a long email, you could use headings and subheadings to break down the message into different sections, such as "Introduction," "Background," "Recommendations," and "Conclusion."

4. Use examples and illustrations: A coherent message can be made more understandable by using examples and illustrations that help to clarify complex or abstract ideas. Examples and illustrations make the message more relatable and help the receiver to follow the message's logic.

Example: Using graphs, charts, or diagrams can help to illustrate complex data and make it more understandable to the receiver.

In summary, a coherent message should be logically connected and easy to follow. By organizing the message, using transition words, headings and subheadings, and examples and illustrations, you can ensure that your message is coherent and easily understandable to the receiver.

7. Courteous

When we say that a message should be courteous, we mean that it should be respectful, polite, and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective. A courteous message should be written in a way that shows respect for the receiver, acknowledges their feelings and perspective, and is free from any rude or offensive language. Here are some ways to ensure courteousness in communication:

1. Use a friendly tone: A courteous message should use a friendly and positive tone that conveys a sense of warmth and approachability. This helps to establish a rapport with the receiver and makes the message more engaging.

Example: Instead of using a cold or formal tone, you could use a more friendly and welcoming tone that invites conversation.

2. Acknowledge the receiver's perspective: A courteous message should acknowledge the receiver's perspective and show that their thoughts and feelings are valued. This helps to create a sense of empathy and understanding between the sender and the receiver.

Example: Instead of dismissing the receiver's concerns, you could acknowledge their perspective and show that you understand where they are coming from.

3. Avoid offensive language: A courteous message should be free from any rude or offensive language that could be perceived as disrespectful or insulting. This means that the message should be written in a way that is sensitive to the receiver's feelings and avoids any language that could be considered offensive.

Example: Instead of using derogatory terms or making personal attacks, you could use more respectful and neutral language that focuses on the message's content.

4. Say "please" and "thank you": A courteous message should include polite expressions such as "please" and "thank you" that show respect and appreciation for the receiver. This helps to create a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Example: Instead of making demands, you could use polite expressions such as "Please let me know your thoughts" or "Thank you for your time and consideration."

In summary, a courteous message should be respectful, polite, and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective. By using a friendly tone, acknowledging the receiver's perspective, avoiding offensive language, and using polite expressions such as "please" and "thank you," you can ensure that your message is courteous and respectful to the receiver.

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You need to send an email to your boss to request time off for a family emergency. Your boss is known for being very busy and only skims through emails.

  1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when composing your email?
  2. How can you use this principle to make your email more effective?

Post a Comment


  1. Name:Mukkaram Ahmad Khan
    Reg no:415-G
    1.The most important 7 Cs of communication to prioritize in this situation would be conciseness.

    2.To make your email more effective, you should focus on providing only the most important information in a brief and concise manner. Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy for your boss to skim through the email quickly. Clearly state the reason for your request, the dates you need off, and any other important details. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight important information. Avoid using complicated language or technical jargon, and make sure to proofread your email for any errors before sending it. Finally, be polite and professional in your tone, and express gratitude for your boss's understanding and support.

  2. M Umair (G) 27426 April 2023 at 08:26

    Name: M Umair
    Roll No: 274-G
    1: I prioritize the to focus on the conciseness of the message, so the message will be short and to the point.

    I can make my E-mail more effective by :
    1: focusing to make my E-mail free from ambiguity and confusion.
    2: making my E-mail concise , to save the time of the boss.
    3: Removing errors and misakes.
    4: Including necessary information and not to make my E-mail lengthy.
    5: By including reasoning and details and making it trustworthy.
    6: Our E-mail should be should be logically connected.
    7: Our E-mail should be respectful and polite.

  3. Name:Muhammad Uzair
    Reg no:284-G
    1.It is important to prioritize the Cs of clear, concise, complete, and correct when composing an email. You want to make sure that your message is easy to understand, gets straight to the point, contains all the necessary information, and is free from errors or mistakes.

    2.To ensure your email is impactful, it's crucial to deliver the most crucial details in a clear and concise way. Utilize brief sentences and paragraphs to enable your boss to quickly scan through the email. State the purpose of your request, specify the dates you require off, and mention any relevant information. To highlight important points, utilize bullet points or numbered lists. Refrain from using technical jargon or complicated language, and thoroughly proofread your email for any errors before hitting send. Above all, maintain a courteous and professional tone, and express gratitude for your boss's cooperation and support.

  4. Name: Huzaifa Akbar
    Roll : 267
    Section: G
    I prioritize on the completeness and the conciseness of the email so that it is easily understood by the receiver without facing any complication.
    Following are some points that should be considered:
    (a):Our email should be straight forward and written in such a manner that it is easily readable.
    (b):We should add some important details that are related to our email.
    (c):Use of transition words can increase our professionalism and impress the reader too.
    (d):We can use headings and divide our email in different parts reflecting different scenario.
    (e):Try to avoid such language that will leave a negative impact on the reader.
    (f):The logical flow of your email should be intact.
    (g):We can also add references to avoid any misconception.
    (h):We should use polite messages like "Please", "Kindly" or "Gladly" and many more.

  5. Name: Zain Mushtaq
    Roll No. : 350
    section: G
    Q no.1
    Answer: Frist we want to make sure that your boss can quickly and easily understand the purpose of your email and the reason for your request. So be direct, specific, and avoid using too many unnecessary details or jargon that could confuse or distract your boss from the main point of the message.
    Answer: To make your email more effective, First you should try to make the subject line as clear and concise as possible. For example, you could write "Request for time off for family emergency" as the subject line. This will catch your boss's attention and make it clear what your email. Keep the email brief and to the point, as your boss is likely to only skim through it.

  6. Name : Muhammad taha shabbir
    Roll no : 281
    Question no 1:
    I prioritize to the conciseness and the completeness to send email
    Question no 2 :
    I can make my E-mail more effective by making my E-mail concise.
    i can not including unnecessary data because its save the time of the reader. i can use short and simple sentences because when the reader read the email he can easily understand.i can Provide additional resources to the reader that he can easily understand

  7. name: faizan ali
    section: H
    roll no: 486
    Summary for the topic 7CS
    The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that help individuals communicate effectively. These principles include clarity, completeness, conciseness, coherence, correctness, courtesy, and consideration. By following these guidelines, communicators can ensure that their messages are clear, accurate, and respectful, leading to better understanding and stronger relationships.

  8. Name: M. Huzaifa
    Roll No: 491
    Section: H
    Semester: 2nd

    Summary ::

    "The 7 Cs of Communication" discusses the seven essential elements of effective communication. The first C is clarity, which refers to the use of clear and concise language that is easily understood by the audience. The second C is conciseness, which involves delivering the message in a brief and to-the-point manner. The third C is completeness, which means that the message should provide all the necessary information and details to the audience. The fourth C is coherence, which refers to the logical flow and organization of the message. The fifth C is credibility, which involves establishing trust and reliability with the audience. The sixth C is context, which involves considering the situation and environment in which the message is being delivered. Finally, the seventh C is channel, which refers to the medium used to convey the message. The post explains that these seven elements work together to create effective communication and that paying attention to all of them can help individuals become better communicators.

  9. Farzam Asad -- 258 (F)

    The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that can help individuals communicate effectively. They are: Clear, Concise, Complete, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, and Courteous. A clear message should be easily understood, focused on the main point, specific and free from ambiguity or complexity. A concise message should be brief and to the point, without unnecessary details or information. A complete message should provide all the necessary information that the receiver needs to understand the message fully. A concrete message should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language. A correct message should be accurate, grammatically correct and free from errors. A coherent message should be logically connected and easy to follow. A courteous message should be respectful, polite and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective.

  10. M.Anus
    Section F
    The 7Cs of communication are a framework that can help ensure effective communication. The 7Cs include: clarity, completeness, brevity, coherence, credibility, consideration, and civility. Clarity means that the message is clear and easy to understand, while completeness means that it contains all the necessary information. Conciseness refers to brevity, while coherence ensures that the message is logically connected. Credibility refers to the trustworthiness of the message, while consideration and politeness are about showing respect to the receiver.

  11. Name : Muhammad Hannan
    Roll no : Fa-2022/BSCS/243
    Section : F
    "The 7 Cs of Communication" post identifies seven crucial elements for effective communication: clarity, conciseness, completeness, coherence, credibility, context, and channel. Effective communication requires using clear and concise language, being brief and to-the-point, providing all necessary information, maintaining a logical flow, establishing trust with the audience, considering the situation and environment, and choosing an appropriate medium for delivering the message. Paying attention to these elements can help individuals become better communicators.
    Qno 1
    The clarity and conciseness Cs of communication should be prioritized.
    Qno 2
    To make your email more effective for your busy boss who only skims through emails, you should use a clear and concise subject line that indicates the urgency of your request, such as "Request for Time Off for Family Emergency." In the body of the email, use short paragraphs and bullet points to highlight the most important information, such as the dates you need off and the reason for your request. It is also important to be polite and professional in your tone and to express your appreciation for your boss's consideration of your request. Finally, consider following up with a brief phone call or in-person conversation to ensure that your boss has received and understood your request.

  12. Name:Muzamil Abbas
    Roll no :321
    Summary for 7CS:
    he 7Cs of communication provide a concise and comprehensive framework for effective communication. Clarity ensures that messages are clear and easily understood, while conciseness emphasizes brevity and avoiding unnecessary details. Completeness ensures that all relevant information is included, while consideration takes into account the audience's needs and perspectives. Courtesy promotes respectful and polite communication, while correctness emphasizes accuracy and reliability. Coherence focuses on organizing ideas logically and maintaining a clear flow of information. By adhering to these principles, communication can be more impactful, successful, and conducive to positive interactions and relationships.

  13. Hamza kanwal
    Sec F
    Clear communication means easily understood messages, avoiding ambiguity and complexity. Concise communication is brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details. To ensure completeness in communication, provide relevant details, use clear language, offer additional resources, and encourage clarification. To ensure concreteness, use specific details, facts and evidence, avoid vague language, and provide specific examples. A correct message should be accurate, grammatically correct, and easy to understand. Coherent messages are logically connected and easy to follow, use organized structures, transition words, headings and subheadings, and examples and illustrations. Courteous messages are respectful, polite, and considerate. Tips: use a friendly tone, acknowledge the receiver's perspective, avoid offensive language, and use polite expressions.

  14. Name: Hiba Ayesha
    Roll no :320
    The 7Cs of communication is a framework that is used to ensure effective communication in business and personal interactions. The framework consists of seven key components: clarity, completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, courtesy, and correctness.
    1. Clarity: The message should be clear and easy to understand. The communicator should use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms.
    2. Completeness: The message should contain all the necessary information. The communicator should provide all the relevant details, facts, and figures to avoid confusion.
    3. Conciseness: The message should be brief and to the point. The communicator should avoid unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences.
    4. Consideration: The message should be sensitive to the needs of the audience. The communicator should consider the audience's interests, attitudes, and opinions when delivering the message.
    5. Concreteness: The message should be specific and tangible. The communicator should use concrete examples, facts, and statistics to support the message.
    6. Courtesy: The message should be polite and respectful. The communicator should use appropriate language and tone to show respect for the audience.
    7. Correctness: The message should be accurate and free from errors. The communicator should check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes before delivering the message.
    By following the 7Cs framework, the communicator can ensure that their message is clear, concise, and well-received by the audience.

  15. The 7Cs of Communication are a set of guidelines for effective communication that may be used by both individuals and organisations. These guidelines include correctness, civility, consideration, clarity, completeness, conciseness, and concreteness. By adhering to these guidelines, people or organisations can make sure that their messages are acceptable for the target audience, clear, succinct, and accurate. Written, oral, and visual communication all fall under the umbrella of these principles. Following the 7Cs of communication can assist people or organisations in conveying their ideas, thoughts, and messages in a way that is clear to the audience and gets the desired response.
    Hamza Younas

  16. Name: Manahil Hanif 259
    Section: F

    The 7 Cs of communication are principles that can help individuals communicate effectively. These principles include clarity, conciseness, completeness, concreteness, correctness, coherence, and courtesy. A clear message should be easy to understand, free from ambiguity or complexity, and focused on the main point. A concise message should be brief, straightforward, and avoid unnecessary details. A complete message should provide all necessary information for the receiver to understand the message fully. It should include enough context and details to help the receiver make informed decisions or take necessary actions. The principles of the 7 Cs can help individuals communicate effectively in personal and professional settings.

  17. Name: Abdullah Maqsood
    Roll no: 337
    Section: H


    The "7 Cs of Communication" outlines seven crucial components of effective communication. The first C, clarity, emphasizes using language that is easily comprehensible by the audience. The second C, conciseness, focuses on delivering the message briefly and straightforwardly. Completeness, the third C, implies that the message should encompass all relevant information and details. Coherence, the fourth C, refers to the logical organization and flow of the message. The fifth C, credibility, emphasizes establishing trustworthiness and reliability with the audience. The sixth C, context, stresses the importance of considering the situation and environment in which the message is conveyed. Lastly, the seventh C, channel, refers to the medium used to communicate the message. Overall, this post explains how these seven elements synergistically contribute to effective communication and highlights the importance of attending to each of them to improve communication skills.

  18. Name :- ibraheem kamran
    Section:- H
    Roll no :- 338

    The 7Cs of communication provide a valuable framework for crafting impactful and effective messages. These guiding principles encompass clear and concise communication, avoiding unnecessary details. Messages should also be concrete, using specific and tangible examples with clear details.Correct communication is crucial, free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Coherent messages should be organized with a logical structure that enables the audience to follow the message from start to finish. Complete communication should provide all the necessary information the audience needs. And, lastly, courteous communication is essential, showing respect and consideration for the audience and context, using appropriate language and tone.

  19. Marwa
    Roll no:345
    1-In this scenario, the "Clarity" and "Conciseness" Cs of communication should be prioritized when composing the email to the boss.
    It's important to clearly state the reason for the request and provide any necessary details to make it easier for the boss to understand the situation without having to read through a lengthy email. Being concise and to the point will also help ensure that the boss can quickly grasp the nature of the request and respond promptly.
    2-To make the email more effective, you can use the following tips:
    Be clear and direct: Make the purpose of your email clear in the subject line, and in the opening sentence, explain the situation in a straightforward manner. Avoid vague language or unnecessary details that could confuse the reader.
    Be concise: Keep the email short and to the point, focusing on the essential information you need to convey. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down the information into digestible chunks.
    Be courteous: Use a polite and respectful tone throughout the email, acknowledging the inconvenience your absence may cause and expressing gratitude for any support or assistance your boss can provide.
    Be considerate: If possible, suggest potential solutions or alternatives to minimize the impact of your absence on the team or company.
    By prioritizing clarity and using these tips, you can make sure that your boss understands the urgency of the situation and can take the necessary steps to support you and your family during this difficult time

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Labika Imdad
    Roll No: 312
    Section: H
    "The 7 Cs of Communication" discusses the seven essential elements of effective communication. The first C is clarity, which refers to the use of clear and concise language that is easily understood by the audience. The second C is conciseness, which involves delivering the message in a brief and to-the-point manner. The third C is completeness, which means that the message should provide all the necessary information and details to the audience. The fourth C is coherence, which refers to the logical flow and organization of the message. The fifth C is credibility, which involves establishing trust and reliability with the audience. The sixth C is context, which involves considering the situation and environment in which the message is being delivered. Finally, the seventh C is channel, which refers to the medium used to convey the message. The post explains that these seven elements work together to create effective communication and that paying attention to all of them can help individuals become better communicators.

  22. Zain awan\226 F
    The 7Cs of communication is a framework for effective communication that consists of seven key components: clarity, completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, courtesy, and correctness.

    1. Clarity: It refers to the use of clear and simple language to convey the message. The message should be easy to understand and free from ambiguity.

    2. Completeness: It means that all the necessary information should be included in the message. The message should be comprehensive and cover all the relevant details.

    3. Conciseness: It is the use of precise and to-the-point language to convey the message. The message should be brief and avoid unnecessary details or filler words.

    4. Consideration: It refers to the sensitivity and empathy towards the audience. The message should take into account the needs and interests of the audience, and address their concerns and questions.

    5. Concreteness: It means that the message should be specific and tangible. The message should provide facts, figures, and examples to support the points being made.

    6. Courtesy: It is the use of polite and respectful language to convey the message. The message should be free from offensive or inflammatory language, and should show respect for the audience.

    7. Correctness: It refers to the use of accurate and error-free language to convey the message. The message should be grammatically correct, use proper spelling and punctuation, and avoid factual errors.


  23. Tehreem Farooq
    Roll no 477
    Section H

    The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that help ensure effective communication. The 7 Cs stand for clarity, completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, courtesy, and correctness.

    Clarity refers to the need to make sure the message is clear and easy to understand. Completeness ensures that all necessary information is included. Conciseness emphasizes the importance of keeping the message brief and to the point. Consideration means taking into account the needs and feelings of the recipient. Concreteness involves using specific and tangible language. Courtesy emphasizes the need to be respectful and polite. Correctness refers to the accuracy and validity of the message. By following these principles, individuals can improve the effectiveness of their communication.

  24. Sibgha arshad 466 sec F27 April 2023 at 08:50

    According to the 7 C's communication need to be :-
    ⭐Clear: language must be clear and simple.we should avoid jorgans.
    ⭐Conciseness: we should not use unnecessary repetitions.just focus on the main point.Must remove unnecessary information.
    ⭐Complete: Provide relevant details related to the text.Share additional resources and ask for more information.
    ⭐Conreteness:Facts you talk about should be proven.Must give specific relevant details and info.Avoid vague and abstract language.
    ⭐Correct: Information should be true grammatically and easy to understand.
    ⭐Coherent: All points are logical and connected to the main point.Tone and flow of the text is consistent.
    ⭐Courteous: This communication is friendly,open and honest.No hidden insults or tones.Keep your reader viewpoint in mind while communicating.


  25. Abdul Moeez 482-H
    The "7 C's of Communication" is a helpful mnemonic device that can assist you in creating effective communication messages. The seven C's are as follows:

    Clarity: Make sure your message is clear and easy to understand.

    Conciseness: Keep your message brief and to the point.

    Completeness: Ensure that your message contains all the necessary information.

    Correctness: Make sure that your message is accurate and free from errors.

    Courtesy: Use polite language and a respectful tone.

    Consideration: Consider the needs and perspectives of your audience.

    Concrete: Use specific details and examples to make your message more tangible and understandable.

    By keeping these 7 C's in mind when crafting your messages, you can increase the chances of your communication being effective and well-received.

  26. The 7Cs of communication is a framework that helps individuals and organizations effectively communicate with others. The 7Cs are:
    Clarity: Messages should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon, complex terms, or convoluted sentences that can confuse the recipient. Completeness: The message should provide all necessary information and details so that the recipient can fully understand the message.
    Conciseness: The message should be brief and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or information that can distract from the main message. Concreteness: Messages should be specific and tangible, rather than vague or abstract. Use facts, examples, and details to support the message. Courtesy: Messages should be respectful and considerate of the recipient's feelings and perspective. Avoid using language that is offensive or insensitive. Correctness: Messages should be accurate and free of errors. Double-check grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure that the message is clear and professional.
    Consideration: The message should be written or delivered with the recipient in mind. Consider their needs, interests, and perspective when crafting the message.

    By following these 7Cs, individuals and organizations can communicate more.

  27. 7Cs of Communication.

    100 words summary on 7Cs of communication

    The 7Cs of communication is a widely accepted framework that helps to ensure effective communication between individuals or organizations. The 7Cs stand for completeness, conciseness, clarity, correctness, coherence, courtesy, and consideration.

    Completeness refers to providing all the necessary information, while conciseness emphasizes brevity and avoiding unnecessary information. Clarity emphasizes the importance of making the message clear and understandable to the recipient, while correctness emphasizes accuracy and using appropriate language. Coherence emphasizes the importance of organizing the message logically, while courtesy emphasizes being polite and respectful. Finally, consideration emphasizes taking the needs and feelings of the recipient into account.

    Using the 7Cs framework can help individuals and organizations ensure their communication is effective, efficient, and considerate of the needs of others.

  28. Noor Fatima
    roll no 377
    section H
    The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that can help individuals communicate more effectively. The first C, clarity, emphasizes the importance of delivering a clear message that is easily understood by the intended audience. The second C, conciseness, highlights the need for brevity and avoiding unnecessary or redundant information. The third C, concreteness, stresses the importance of being specific and providing tangible examples to support one's message. The fourth C, correctness, requires accuracy and the absence of errors. The fifth C, coherence, demands a logical and consistent message. The sixth C, completeness, underscores the need to provide all necessary information. The final C, courtesy, encourages a respectful and considerate approach towards the audience. By applying these principles, individuals can improve the quality and impact of their communication.

  29. Name: Rana haseeb Iftikhar
    Roll No : 223 F
    ● Courteous
    Courteous communication is friendly, open and honest. There are no hidden insults or passive-aggressive tones. You keep your reader's viewpoint in mind, and you're empathetic to their needs.
    ● Complete
    In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action.
    ● Coherent
    When your communication is coherent, it's logical. All points are connected and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text is consistent.
    ● Correct
    When your communication is correct, your audience will be able to understand it. And correct communication is also error-free communication.
    ● Concrete
    When your message is concrete, your audience has a clear picture of what you're telling them. There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there's laser-like focus. Your message is solid.
    ● Concise
    When you're concise in your communication, you stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience doesn't want to read six sentences when you could communicate your message in three.
    ● Clear
    When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating with this person? If you're not sure, then your audience won't be either.

  30. Name: humaira adeeb
    Roll no: 392
    Sec : H
    7Cs of Communication.

    100 words summary on 7Cs of communication

    The 7Cs of communication is a widely accepted framework that helps to ensure effective communication between individuals or organizations. The 7Cs stand for completeness, conciseness, clarity, correctness, coherence, courtesy, and consideration.

    Completeness refers to providing all the necessary information, while conciseness emphasizes brevity and avoiding unnecessary information. Clarity emphasizes the importance of making the message clear and understandable to the recipient, while correctness emphasizes accuracy and using appropriate language. Coherence emphasizes the importance of organizing the message logically, while courtesy emphasizes being polite and respectful. Finally, consideration emphasizes taking the needs and feelings of the recipient into account.

    Using the 7Cs framework can help individuals and organizations ensure their communication is effective, efficient, and considerate of the needs of others.

  31. Name:M. HAYYAN LONE
    The 7 Cs of communication are Clear, Concise, Complete, Concrete, Correct, Coherent and Courteous. The message should be clear, easily understandable, brief and to the point, including all the necessary information, specific and factual, accurate, grammatically correct and free from errors, logically connected and easy to follow, and respectful, polite and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective.
    A message must be simple to grasp, clear of ambiguity, and focused on the core idea to be considered clear. To guarantee clarity, one should use straightforward language, stay away from jargon, be narrowly focused, and use examples. Being succinct, direct, and minimising repetition and extraneous information are all characteristics of concise communication. Focus on the essential idea, write in short, straightforward words, and leave out extraneous details to make your writing concise. Complete communication employs straightforward language, offers all necessary information, and delivers pertinent details. A concrete statement should be accurate and precise, avoiding terminology that is ambiguous or subject to interpretation. A proper message need to be truthful, grammatically sound, and error-free. A coherent argument need to be logically connected and simple to understand. Effective communication can be achieved by using specific facts, details, and evidence, avoiding ambiguous or abstract language, giving concrete examples, using accurate information, proper grammar and spelling, using the right tone and style, orginising the message, using transition words, and using headings and subheadings.

  32. The "7 Cs of Communication" outlines seven crucial components of effective communication.. organization and flow of the message. The fifth C, credibility, emphasizes establishing trustworthiness and reliability with the audience. The sixth C, context, stresses the importance of considering the situation and environment in which the message is conveyed. Lastly, the seventh C, channel, refers to the medium used to communicate the message. Overall, this post explains how these seven elements synergistically contribute to effective communication and highlights the importance of attending to each of them to improve communication skillsThe final C, courtesy, encourages a respectful and considerate approach towards the audience. By applying these principles, individuals can improve the quality and impact of their communication

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. name : Muhammad Haris Ahmad
    roll no : 282 G
    Q no 1: I prioritize the to focus on the conciseness of the message, Conciseness is also important, as people tend to skim emails rather than read them thoroughly. Keep your email short and to the point, and use bullet points or headings to break up the text and make it more readable.
    Q no 2: 1): Start your email with a clear and concise statement that outlines the reason for your message. Be specific about what you need or want from the recipient.

    2): Use simple and straightforward language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that the recipient may not be familiar with.

    3):Use short sentences and paragraphs Break up your email into short sentences and paragraphs to make it easier to read and understand.

    4): When appropriate, use bullet points to highlight important information and make it easier to scan.

    5):Make sure your email is free of spelling and grammar errors, as these can create confusion and distract from your message.

  35. Muhammad Usman fa-2022-BSCS-247-F
    The Seven C's of Communication are a list of principles that you should ensure all your communications adhere to. Their purpose is to help ensure that the person you are communicating with hears what you are trying to say. The seven C's are: clear, correct, complete, concrete, concise, considered, and polite.
    It is important to be clear about the purpose of the message you are delivering. The recipient should be informed why they are receiving the message and what you are trying to achieve by delivering it. If there are multiple goals, each should be defined separately. When crafting a message, it's important to give the recipient all the information they need to follow your line of reasoning and reach the same conclusions as you. This level of detail will vary from situation to situation, and you should tailor your communication accordingly. It can be important to help bring the concrete nature of what you've created to life through examples that demonstrate the relevance of your messages to your audience. them as individuals. When communicating messages of this nature it is important to stick to the point and keep your messages short and simple. Don't use 10 words if you can use five. Do not repeat your messages. You can increase the effectiveness of your communication by being polite and showing your audience that you respect them. Your messages should be friendly, professional, thoughtful, respectful, open and honest. Considered the last or relevant of the 7 C's of communication. If your communications are not consistent, they will not be effective. You should have a logical flow and your style, tone and language should be consistent throughout to help ensure your communication is considered and coherent.

  36. Asadullah khursheed
    BSCS H
    The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that can help individuals communicate effectively. They are: Clear, Concise, Complete, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, and Courteous. A clear message should be easily understood, focused on the main point, specific and free from ambiguity or complexity. A concise message should be brief and to the point, without unnecessary details or information. A complete message should provide all the necessary information that the receiver needs to understand the message fully. A concrete message should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language. A correct message should be accurate, grammatically correct and free from errors. A coherent message should be logically connected and easy to follow. A courteous message should be respectful, polite and considerate of the receiver's feelings and perspective

  37. Name: Ali hussnain
    Roll_no: (502)
    Section: (H)

    This article provides a complete information about how 7 cs can make our communication effective.
    In order to abstract these crucial points. I would like to use following sentences:
    1. Be clear: You must know your ideas thoroughly in order to communicate them clearly.
    2. Be concise: Avoid unnecessary information and use simple, short sentences to get your point across.
    3. Be complete: Always ensure that your message is complete and avoid using abstract language.
    4. Use concrete evidence: Use factual and specific evidence to support your message.
    5. Be correct: Use correct grammar and spelling in your message.
    6. Use a logical structure: Organize your message in a logical and clear manner so that each point builds on the previous one.
    7. Use an appropriate tone: Use a polite and respectful tone to show your courtesy towards the receiver and avoid grammar mistakes.

  38. Name:Bilal Mansoor
    Roll No:301
    The 7Cs of communication is a framework that helps individuals and organizations effectively communicate with others. The 7Cs are:

    1. Clarity: Messages should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon, complex terms, or convoluted sentences that can confuse the recipient.

    2. Completeness: The message should provide all necessary information and details so that the recipient can fully understand the message.

    3. Conciseness: The message should be brief and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or information that can distract from the main message.

    4. Concreteness: Messages should be specific and tangible, rather than vague or abstract. Use facts, examples, and details to support the message.

    5. Courtesy: Messages should be respectful and considerate of the recipient's feelings and perspective. Avoid using language that is offensive or insensitive.

    6. Correctness: Messages should be accurate and free of errors. Double-check grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure that the message is clear and professional.

    7. Consideration: The message should be written or delivered with the recipient in mind. Consider their needs, interests, and perspective when crafting the message.

    By following these 7Cs, individuals and organizations can communicate more

    ROLL: 384
    The 7 Cs of Communication outlines seven crucial components of effective communication. The first C, clarity, emphasizes using language that is easily comprehensible by the audience. The second C, conciseness, focuses on delivering the message briefly and straightforwardly. Completeness, the third C, implies that the message should encompass all relevant information and details. Coherence, the fourth C, refers to the logical organization and flow of the message. The fifth C, credibility, emphasizes establishing trustworthiness and reliability with the audience. The sixth C, context, stresses the importance of considering the situation and Lastly, the seventh C, channel, refers to the medium used to communicate the message. Overall, this post explains how these seven elements synergistically contribute to effective communication and highlights the importance of attending to each of them to improve communication skills .Use a polite and respectful tone to show your courtesy towards the receiver and avoid grammar mistakes.

  40. NAME: Muhammad Zuhaib Sultan
    ROLL NUMBER: Fall2022/BSCS/314

    100 words summary on 7Cs of communication
    The 7Cs of communication is a widely accepted framework that helps to ensure effective communication between individuals or organizations. The 7Cs stand for completeness, conciseness, clarity, correctness, coherence, courtesy, and consideration. Completeness refers to providing all the necessary information, while conciseness emphasizes brevity and avoiding unnecessary information. Clarity emphasizes the importance of making the message clear and understandable to the recipient, while correctness emphasizes accuracy and using appropriate language. Coherence emphasizes the importance of organizing the message logically, while courtesy emphasizes being polite and respectful. Finally, consideration emphasizes taking the needs and feelings of the recipient into account.
    Using the 7Cs framework can help individuals and organization ensure their communication is effective, efficient, and considerate of the needs of others.

  41. Here Marium Ijaz from section F

    According to the 7 Cs, communication needs to be
    C LEAR
    ▸ what you’re saying is communicated clearly.Don’t use idioms to prevent any confusion.
    ▸ Convey your points in a concise way.Concise communication is non-repetitive and inshort time.
    ▸ A concrete message is precise and backed by confidence as well as the use of supporting facts and figures.
    ▸ Correctness means keeping your language free of mistakes, whether that’s grammatical, spelling, or other inaccuracies.
    ▸ Coherent conversation makes sense and flows logically. Think carefully about your pov.
    ▸ Make sure nothing is missing. Complete communication ensures the audience has all the information they need.
    ▸ Its important to be polite and respectful of your audience. Being friendly and professional will make your communications much more effective.

    Have a good day!

  42. Name : M.Noor Ul Eman
    Roll No: 406
    Section: (F)
    The 7 Cs of communication are a a set of principles for written and spoken communications to ensure that they are effective.The purpose of 7 Cs is to improve or maintain good communication skills.The 7 Cs of communication are a set of principles that can help us to communicate effectively. They are:

    Clear,concise,complete,concrete,correct,coherent and courteous.

    Your language must be in simple words use familiar words and avoid jorgons. Your focus must be on the main point and don't use unnecessary repitation. Also provide relevent details and share additional resources.Give some facts and proves make your message more effective.Your message must be accurate and logically connected and easy to follow.At last your message should be written that show respect for the reciever.

  43. Name: Usman Ahmed
    Roll no : 234
    BSCS Section (F)
    The 7Cs of communication :
    The 7 Cs of communication is a framework that provides guidelines for effective communication. These seven principles include being clear, concise, complete, correct, coherent, courteous, and considerate in your communication. By adhering to these principles, you can ensure that your messages are easily understood, free of errors, and tailored to the needs and interests of the receiver. Effective communication is essential in both personal and professional settings, and using the 7 Cs of communication can help you avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and other communication barriers. By implementing these principles in your communication, you can improve your relationships, enhance your productivity, and achieve your goals.

  44. Name: Amina Liaqat
    Roll no: 251
    Section :F
    ✓ The 7 Cs of communication are a set of guidelines for effective communication.
    ✓ Clear: The message should be easily understandable to the receiver.
    ✓ Concise: The message should be brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.
    ✓ Complete: The message should include all the necessary information that the receiver needs.
    ✓ Concrete: The message should be specific and factual, avoiding vague or abstract language.
    ✓ Correct: The message should be accurate, grammatically correct and free from errors.
    ✓ Coherent: The message should be logically connected and easy to follow.
    ✓ Courteous: The message should be delivered in a respectful and polite manner.

  45. Abdullah Shafique(R-238)(S-F)27 April 2023 at 10:20

    The 7Cs of communication is a framework that can help individuals communicate effectively in various contexts, such as in business or personal relationships.

    The 7Cs stand for:

    1. Clarity - The message should be clear and easily understood by the intended audience.
    2. Conciseness - The message should be brief and to the point, without unnecessary information.
    3. Consideration - The message should take into account the needs and perspectives of the audience.
    4. Concreteness - The message should be specific and tangible, avoiding vague or abstract language.
    5. Courtesy - The message should be respectful and polite, avoiding language that may offend or alienate the audience.
    6. Correctness - The message should be accurate and free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
    7. Completeness - The message should include all necessary information, without leaving out important details.

    By using the 7Cs, communicators can increase the effectiveness of their messages and ensure that their intended audience receives and understands the message in the intended manner.

  46. Sheeraz Ahmad
    Roll No. 401
    Section F

    7cs of communications The 7Cs of communication is a framework that outlines seven key principles for effective communication. These principles include:Completeness: The message should be complete and provide all the necessary information.Conciseness: The message should be brief and to the point.Clarity: The message should be clear and easy to understand.
    Concreteness: The message should be specific and tangible.Courtesy: The message should be polite and respectful.Correctness: The message should be accurate and error-free.Consistency: The message should be consistent with previous messages and with the overall communication strategy.By following these principles, communicators can ensure that their message is effective and achieves its intended purpose.

  47. Abdullah Zahid 239 (F)27 April 2023 at 11:34

    Name : Abdullah Zahid
    Roll No: 239
    Sec : F

    Question no 1:-
    I prioritize on the completeness and the conciseness of the email so that it is easily understood by the receiver without facing any complication.
    Question 2
    Following are some points that should be considered:
    Our email should be straight forward and written in such a manner that it is easily readable.
    We should add some important details that are related to our email.
    Use of transition words can increase our professionalism and impress the reader too.
    We can use headings and divide our email in different parts reflecting different scenario.
    Try to avoid such language that will leave a negative impact on the reader.
    The logical flow of your email should be intact.
    We can also add references to avoid any misconception.
    We should use polite messages like "Please", "Kindly" or "Gladly" and many more.

  48. Name: Muhammad Tabraiz Khan

    The 7Cs of communication is a framework used to guide effective communication. It includes seven key elements that individuals and organizations should consider when crafting their messages. The 7Cs are: clarity, conciseness, completeness, correctness, coherence, credibility, and context. Clarity refers to the use of clear and simple language, while conciseness involves using only necessary information. Completeness means that all relevant information is included, while correctness ensures that the message is accurate and error-free. Coherence involves organizing the message in a logical manner, while credibility focuses on building trust with the audience. Finally, context refers to understanding the audience and the situation in which the message is being delivered. By incorporating these 7Cs, individuals and organizations can improve the effectiveness of their communication and better connect with their intended audience.

  49. Chaudary Zain Ul Abideen
    Fa 2022 BSCS 2nd semester
    334 Sec H

    It is important to prioritize the Cs of clear, concise, complete, and correct when composing an email. You want to make sure that your message is easy to understand, gets straight to the point, contains all the necessary information, and is free from errors or mistakes.

    2.To ensure your email is impactful, it's crucial to deliver the most crucial details in a clear and concise way. Utilize brief sentences and paragraphs to enable your boss to quickly scan through the email. State the purpose of your request, specify the dates you require off, and mention any relevant information. To highlight important points, utilize bullet points or numbered lists. Refrain from using technical jargon or complicated language, and thoroughly proofread your email for any errors before hitting send. Above all, maintain a courteous and professional tone, and express gratitude for your boss's cooperation and support.

  50. Name: M.Qais Umar
    Roll No: 310
    Section: H
    Semester: 2nd

    Summary ::

    "7 Cs of Communication" discusses the seven essential elements of effective communication. The first C is clarity, which refers to the use of clear and concise language that is easily understood by the audience. The second C is conciseness, which involves delivering the message in a brief and to-the-point manner. The third C is completeness, which means that the message should provide all the necessary information and details to the audience. The fourth C is coherence, which refers to the logical flow and organization of the message. The fifth C is credibility, which involves establishing trust and reliability with the audience. The sixth C is context, which involves considering the situation and environment in which the message is being delivered. Finally, the seventh C is channel, which refers to the medium used to convey the message. The post explains that these seven elements work together to create effective communication and that paying attention to all of them can help individuals become better communicators.
