The 7Cs of Communication (Worksheet)



Title: Practicing the 7 Cs of Communication

Instructions: Read each scenario below and answer the questions that follow. Consider how you can apply the 7 Cs of communication to each scenario to improve the effectiveness of your message.

Scenario 1:

You need to send an email to your boss to request time off for a family emergency. Your boss is known for being very busy and only skims through emails.

1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when composing your email?

2. How can you use this principle to make your email more effective?

3. What are some potential consequences of failing to apply this principle in your email?

Scenario 2:

You are giving a presentation to a group of colleagues on a complex topic that they may not be familiar with.

1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when preparing your presentation?

2. How can you use this principle to make your presentation more effective?

3. What are some potential consequences of failing to apply this principle in your presentation?

Scenario 3:

You need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague who has been repeatedly missing deadlines and letting their work quality slip.

1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when having this conversation?

2. How can you use this principle to make the conversation more effective?

3. What are some potential consequences of failing to apply this principle in the conversation?

Scenario 4:

You are writing a proposal for a potential client, and you want to make sure that your proposal stands out from the competition.

1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when writing your proposal?

2. How can you use this principle to make your proposal more effective?

3. What are some potential consequences of failing to apply this principle in your proposal?

Scenario 5:

You are having a conversation with a friend who has different political views than you do.

1. Which of the 7 Cs of communication should you prioritize when having this conversation?

2. How can you use this principle to make the conversation more effective?

3. What are some potential consequences of failing to apply this principle in the conversation?

Bonus Question:

Think of a scenario where you need to communicate something important to someone. Choose one of the 7 Cs of communication and explain how you would apply it in this scenario to make your message more effective.

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  1. M.Rohan Sajjad
    The 7Cs of communication are a set of principles that guide effective communication. These principles can be applied to various forms of communication, including written, spoken, and visual communication
    •The first C, clarity, refers to the need for the message to be clear and easily understandable. This means that the message should be expressed in a way that is free from ambiguity or confusion. To achieve clarity, it is important to use simple and direct language that is appropriate for the audience.
    •The second C, completeness, refers to the need for the message to include all the necessary information. The message should be complete and provide all the necessary details that the audience needs to understand the message
    •The third C, conciseness, refers to the need for the message to be brief and to the point. The message should be concise and avoid unnecessary information or details that may distract the audience from the main point.
    •The fourth C, coherence, refers to the need for the message to be logically connected and flow smoothly. The message should be coherent and easy to follow, with each point building upon the previous one
    •The fifth C, correctness, refers to the need for the message to be accurate and free from errors. The message should be correct in terms of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Any factual information included in the message should be accurate and verifiable.
    •The sixth C, courtesy, refers to the need for the message to be polite and respectful. The message should be expressed in a way that shows consideration for the audience and their feelings.
    •The seventh C, consideration, refers to the need for the message to be tailored to the needs of the audience. The message should be designed to meet the needs and expectations of the audience, taking into account their level of knowledge, interests, and attitudes.

    ANS:Completeness and the Conciseness of the Email so that it is Easily Understood by the Receiver without Facing any Complication.
    Following are some points that should be considered: Your Email Will Be More Effective If First you try to make the subject line as Clear and Concise as Possible.
    Keep the email brief and to the point, as your boss is likely to only skim through it.

  3. NAME: Muhammad Ali Bin Tariq
    SECTION: 237
    SEMESTER: 2nd
    SUBJECT: Communication and Presentation Skills
    SUBMITTED TO:Kalsoom Jahan

    7C's of communication Summary

    The 7C communication model is a tool for improving your communication skills, whether you're speaking or writing. It comprises seven key elements, namely Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous. These elements work together to help you convey your message accurately, clearly, and respectfully. With the 7C's, you can ensure that your communication is effective and efficient, reducing the risk of confusion or miscommunication. In essence, this model serves as a guide to help you communicate more confidently and proficiently.

  4. Name: M. irsam sabir
    Roll No :227

    These principles can be applied to various forms of communication, including written, spoken, and visual.This means that the message should be expressed in a way that is free from ambiguity or confusion. To achieve clarity, it is important to use simple and direct language that is appropriate for the audience.
    . To achieve clarity, it is important to use simple and direct language that is appropriate for the audience.With the 7C's, you can ensure that your communication is effective and efficient, reducing the risk of confusion or miscommunication.

  5. ADNANFAROOQ 233 F27 April 2023 at 11:24

    ANS 2:
    Subject Lines are Important. .
    Use Bullet Points and Highlight Call to Action. .
    Keep it Short. .
    Don't Muddle Content. .
    Be Collegial .
    ANS 3:
    Confusion and doubt.
    Bad feelings between people and departments.
    Damage to company morale.
    Project-completion delays.
    ANS 4:
    clear, concise, concrete, correct, consider the speaker, complete and courteous, with your message, you will become an effective communicator and find more success in your interactions with people.
    ANS 5:
    Think and communicate visually: Humans remember images and words better than words alone.
    Be consistent: Keep your slides or poster design simple and use a consistent style (fonts, colors)
    Focus: Keep your audience focused on your most important points.
    ANS 6:
    delayed decisions, more meetings to clarify the issue, additional information requested, incorrect decisions and sometimes a negative impact on one's career.
    ANS 7:
    Courteous communication is friendly, open and honest.
    ANS 8:
    It's all about the customer. ...
    Opportunity pursuit must be planned and measured. ...
    You won't get it if you don't ask for it. ...
    Proposal quality must be defined and validated. ...
    Plans must be validated. ...
    Effort should go into the document, and not into the process.
    ANS 9:
    Not providing context to the research question(s).
    Not citing significant studies ("landmark studies") in the field that changed others' understanding of the topic.
    Not accurately presenting other research done on the topic.
    Not staying focused on the primary research question.
    ANS 10:
    you're clear, concise, concrete, correct, consider the speaker, complete and courteous, with your message, you will become an effective communicator and find more success in your interactions with people.
    ANS 11:
    Create A Goal. The first step is determining how you want to impact your audience. .
    Listen to Feedback. Good communication is never a one-way street. ...
    Adjust To Your Medium.
    Stay Organized. .
    Be Persuasive. .
    Be Clear. .
    Visuals Are Important. .
    Use Stories.
    ANS 12:
    Create A Goal. The first step is determining how you want to impact your audience. .
    Listen to Feedback. Good communication is never a one-way street. .
    Adjust To Your Medium.
    Stay Organized. .
    Be Persuasive. .
    Be Clear. .
    Visuals Are Important. .
    Use Stories.

  6. Hamzakanwal

    7C's of communication Summary

    The 7C communication model is a tool for improving your communication skills, whether you're speaking or writing. It comprises seven key elements, namely Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous. These elements work together to help you convey your message accurately, clearly, and respectfully. With the 7C's, you can ensure that your communication is effective and efficient, reducing the risk of confusion or miscommunication. In essence, this model serves as a guide to help you communicate more confidently and proficiently.
